Overcoming common struggles on moving country for a WHV

New Zealand's pristine landscapes, friendly locals, and a wealth of opportunities make it a dream destination for many travelers. One popular way to experience the beauty of Aotearoa while financing your journey is through a Working Holiday Visa. This unique program allows young adventurers to live and work in New Zealand for up to a year. However, while the Land of the Long White Cloud offers a plethora of possibilities, moving to a new country and embarking on a working holiday visa can bring about certain challenges. In this blog, we'll explore the top three common struggles job seekers may face when starting a working holiday in New Zealand and discuss how to overcome them.

Job Hunt Frustrations
The first challenge many working holidaymakers encounter is the daunting job hunt. Finding a job in a foreign country can be a stressful process, especially when you're unfamiliar with the local job market, work culture, and job search resources. To overcome this struggle:

  • Research the Job Market: Before arriving in New Zealand, take some time to research the job market in your desired location. Identify industries that are in demand and evaluate your skills to match job opportunities.
  • Update Your CV: Tailor your resume to New Zealand standards. Highlight your skills and experiences relevant to the job you're applying for, and ensure it's error-free and well-structured.
  • Utilize Online Resources: Job search websites, such as Seek, Trade Me Jobs, and even LinkedIn, can be great resources. Reach out to recruitment agencies that specialize in working holiday placements.
  • Networking: Attend local job fairs, meetups, or events where you can connect with potential employers and fellow travelers. Sometimes, it's not just what you know but who you know.

Accommodation Challenges
Securing suitable accommodation is another hurdle that working holidaymakers often face. The high demand for affordable housing in popular New Zealand cities can lead to housing shortages and increased competition. To tackle this issue:

  • Plan Ahead: Before arriving, book temporary accommodation for your first few weeks in New Zealand. This will give you time to explore your options and find a place that suits your needs.
  • Flat Shares: Consider sharing accommodation with other travelers or locals. It's not only cost-effective but a great way to build a supportive community in your new home.
  • Hostels and Backpacker Lodges: These are not only budget-friendly but also excellent places to meet fellow travelers and potential roommates.
  • Use Online Resources: Websites like Trade Me, Airbnb, and Facebook groups dedicated to housing listings can help you find affordable and suitable accommodation.

Work-Life Balance and Cultural Adaptation
A major aspect of a working holiday is to experience the local culture and explore the stunning landscapes New Zealand has to offer. Balancing work and leisure while adapting to a new culture can be a challenge. Here's how to overcome it:

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that your primary purpose in New Zealand is to work, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your time. Make a schedule that allows for both work and leisure
  • Embrace Kiwi Culture: Engage with locals, learn about the Maori culture, and immerse yourself in Kiwi traditions. This will not only enrich your experience but also help you adapt faster.
  • Explore During Weekends: New Zealand offers a multitude of outdoor activities. Make the most of your weekends by exploring hiking trails, beaches, and the country's natural beauty.
  • Prioritize Mental Health: Moving to a new country can be emotionally taxing. Don't hesitate to seek support from fellow travelers, support groups, or professional help if needed.

Starting a working holiday in New Zealand can be a transformative and enriching experience. While common struggles such as job hunting, finding accommodation, and balancing work and leisure may arise, with proper planning, research, and a positive attitude, these challenges can be conquered. New Zealand's welcoming culture and stunning landscapes await you, and by overcoming these obstacles, you can make the most of your Kiwi adventure. So, pack your bags, prepare to face these hurdles, and set off on your journey to Aotearoa!

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