Starting a New Job in a New Country

I am a creature of habit.

I like my shops, I travel the same routes and I always order the same meals in a restaurant. When I said to my husband let’s move to a new country, he almost had a heart attack, as I have never even moved out of the city in which I grew up. The whole process was daunting and extremely emotional. They say that one of the most stressful times in life is changing jobs and moving. We did it all. Sold everything, moved across the world on a new adventure and what an adventure we are having! It is not always easy, as you miss family and friends and especially the familiarity.

Here are just a few things to keep in mind when starting a new job, in a new country:

  • Don’t compare - You need to embrace the change. Most of the things that you are used to will be different and you cannot keep comparing. This is a new country, with a new way of doing things. I think if people hear me saying “back in South Africa” they are going to throw me down from the tenth floor of our building. It was back in a different country and you were in a different situation. Now you are in a new country and you can try and make things better, than what you are used to.
  • Embrace the unknown - There will be new systems and new policies and procedures. Instead of being stuck in your ways, embrace the unknown. I have never worked on such an amazing IT system like the one we have at people2people. I do the happy dance at least once a day!
  • Surround yourself with positive people – Immigration is an emotional roller coaster. People don’t always understand that you left your whole family and life behind to look for better opportunities for yourself and your kids. You miss your parents, your siblings and your friends. Life as you know it, has ended and it is an emotional roller coaster. Some days are good and some days are not so good. So, it is important that you surround yourself with positive energy and people, who will keep you motivated.
  • Build your self-confidence – Even after working in the recruitment industry for the past eleven years, I have lots of moments that I think to myself “what am I doing?” It is easy to lose your self confidence in a new role where everything is unfamiliar. Combining this with beings in a new country, it is even more daunting. Just keep in mind that you would not have secured your new job, if you were not good at what you are doing.

Take every opportunity you can get to meet new people. Take every opportunity to experience life and challenges. Go travel if you can, go to the beach for a day to just let go. Life is what you make of it. It is your choice. Are you going to sit in the rain? Or are you going to sing in the rain?

Remember – YOU GOT THIS!

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Logan Slabbert • Mar 11, 2019

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