Interviews: Nine Hacks to Make Sure Your First Impression Counts

Seven seconds.

Making a good first impression in an interview is extremely important as apparently, it takes just seven seconds for a human brain to create an impression at the first meeting. That is a lot of pressure when you think about it. As the famous quote goes, ‘’you only get one chance to make a first impression”. And you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.

There are small things you can do to make a positive, lasting impact and ensure you put your best foot forward. We all know that our first impressions can be – and have been – wrong, but try these impression hacks that can help influence the impact you make in those first seven seconds:

  1. If waiting for an interview, in reception instead of sitting. That way you’re at eye level when your interviewer or their assistant comes to meet you.
  2. ALWAYS. You do not want to be fumbling around with your handbag or folder while someone has their arm extended to you.
  3. Shake hands firmly
  4. Chin up
  5. Strike a pose TED talk
  6. Dress to impress
  7. Listen
  8. The BEST advice I can give about making a good or bad first impression is to
  9. – be assured recruiters and potential employers hear if you have been rude to the receptionist.
  10. My final tip is that you never know who you are in the elevator with, so remember the person standing next to you could be your new boss!

Be aware of how your behaviour can affect how others see you. Do what you can to make sure the first impression you make is a good one and that your first impression does count.

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Hayley Coghill • Oct 02, 2019

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