Improving productivity at work in 2023

Procrastination can be a bad habit to fall into at work. It can have a negative impact on one’s productivity and often lead to increased stress, missed opportunities, and an overall lower quality of work for themselves, and their team around.

According to a survey conducted by Finder in early 2023, 83% of Australians admitted to procrastinating at work, with an average of 2 hours and 18 minutes wasted per week. The study also found that procrastination can cost Australian businesses up to $60 billion a year in lost productivity.

Increasing productivity at work can have several benefits, both for individuals and organizations:

Increased efficiency
When employees are more productive, they can complete their work more efficiently. This means that they can get more done in less time, which can help to increase output and profitability for the organization.

Improved quality
Higher productivity can also lead to improved quality of work. When employees have more time to focus on each task and can complete them more efficiently, they are more likely to produce work of a higher quality.

Reduced stress
When employees are able to complete their work more efficiently, they may experience less stress and anxiety. This can help to improve their overall well-being and job satisfaction, which can lead to increased retention rates and higher levels of employee engagement.

Whilst there can be many leading causes to an increased rate of procrastination in the workplace, there are several hot tips that employees can use to help improve their productivity in the workplace:

Break tasks into smaller, manageable pieces
Often, people procrastinate because a task feels overwhelming. Breaking the task down into smaller pieces can make it feel more manageable and less daunting. This can also make it easier to get started, as you only need to focus on one small piece at a time.

Set specific goals and deadlines
Setting clear goals and deadlines can help you stay focused and motivated. Instead of saying you want to finish a project "soon," set a specific deadline, such as "by the end of the week." his can help you prioritize your work and avoid putting things off.

Eliminate distractions
Distractions can be a major source of procrastination. Try to eliminate or reduce distractions as much as possible, such as turning off your phone or closing unnecessary tabs on your computer. You can also try working in a quiet, distraction-free environment to help you stay focused.

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Demi Aitken • May 07, 2023

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